Illustration and Visual Narrative - Task 3

1/12/23 - 9/12/23  (Week 10 - Week 11)
Myra Elida Binti Abd Azis / 0358516
Illustration and Visual Narrative / Bachelors of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Task 3 : Digital Triptych


Week 10:

Digital triptych consists of three panels used to show different elements or sequences of a subject. There are five different types of scene transitions :

Fig 1.1 Different types of transition
  1.  Moment to moment: Single action portrayed in a series of moments.
  2.  Action to action: Single subject in a series of actions.
  3.  Scene to scene: Transitions across significant distance of time and/or space distances.
  4.  Aspect to aspect: Transitions from one aspect of place, idea, or mood to another.
  5.  Subject to subject: Series of changing subjects within a single scene.


Task 3 : Digital Triptych

I decided to choose a different urban legend from the previous task which Hasshaku-sama or also named as the Eight Feet Tall Lady and it originates from Japan as well.

Hasshaku-sama is an urban legend that originated as a ghost story. The story involves the narrator returning to his grandparent’s house in the countryside, where he sees a woman over two meters tall wearing a wide-brimmed hat. 

She targets young people and children in particular. Her clothes vary depending on the person who sees her, but she usually depicted as wearing a flowing white sundress and a wide-brimmed white hat. It is said that piles of salt and amulets can temporarily protect you from her.

Sketch :

This is my sketch for the artwork that I did on Procreate :

I had decided to do Scene to Scene Transitions as it suits better with my idea of the final artwork.

Final Triptych :

First scene is about to show how tall she is compared to the bush hedge/wall as she is 8ft tall.

Second scene is about her calling out to the child as in some cases she can imitate voices of their beloved or who the victims are close to so that she can fool them. Then, the child saw the tall figure and got scared.

Third scene is about her trying to kill the running child, chasing the child with a knife in her hand.


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