Video and Sound Production ( Task 1 )

23/04/2024 - 22/05/2024 (Week 1 - Week 5)

Myra Elida Binti Abd Azis / 0358516

VSP60104 / Interactive Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media

Task 1


Based on the movie, Everything Everywhere All At Once, Mr Martin gave a scene that was muted. We had to revoice the voice lines and put in our own sound effects.

We were then grouped into a group of 5/6 to a audio spreadsheet so that we could finish it faster and could straight away start editing the our video. After that, I made a copy of the spreadsheet like shown in the picture below so I could replace some of the sound effects that I liked better.

Fig 1.1

Next, I then began to record the voice lines to be added into the video on my phone. The picture below is after I had transferred it from my phone to my laptop to begin editing on Adobe Premiere Pro.

Fig 1.2 (Voice Lines)

Fig 1.3 (Sound Effects)

Fig 1.4 (On Premiere Pro)


Fig 1.5 (Final Video)


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