Illustration and Visual Narrative - Task 2

6/11/2023- 20/11/2023 (Week 07— Week 09)

Myra Elida Binti Abd Azis / 0358516

Illustration and Visual Narrative/ Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media 

Task 2/ Decisive Moment


Task 2 :

I had decided to choose a famous Japanese urban legend which is Kuchisake-onna or Slit-Mouthed Woman. 

The legend commences with a stunning woman, who was married to a samurai. But beware, looks can be deceiving—she was very vain and one day, went as far as cheating on her Samurai husband. When he found out about the affair, he grew very enraged and slit her mouth from ear to ear, giving her a Glasgow smile (which is a smile caused by wounds cutting from ear to ear). Following this savage action, he asked, “Who will think you’re pretty now?” Although the original tale is a cautionary one to remind people to stay faithful, the story takes a gruesome turn.

This apparent phenomenon can be explained:a woman wearing a surgical mask or mask of some sort who would approach people (usually children) at night and ask them, “Am I pretty?” If they said no, she would slash their faces with a pair of scissors, giving them a similar Glasgow smile. However, if they said yes, she would reveal her face and ask again. If this time, they said “no”, she would slash their faces regardless Even if they still said yes, she would follow them home and still brutally kill them. Many people believe the only way to break this pattern, is to confuse her by answering with either “you’re okay” or “so-so”, not providing a definite answer. The confusion from these replies would buy the victim enough time to get away.

Fig 1.1 Mood board and Color Palette
Process :

Fig 1.2

Fig 1.3

Fig 1.4

Final Artwork :

Fig 1.5 Final Artwork, PNG

Fig 1.6 Final Artwork, GIF


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