Illustration and Visual Narrative - Task 1

25/09/2023- 16/10/2023 (Week 01 — Week 04) Myra Elida Binti Abd Azis / 0358516 Illustration and Visual Narrative/ Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Task 1/ Weekly Exercises LECTURES Week 1: Information Week 2: Vormator Shapes Week 3: Light and Shadows Week 4: Colours and Blending Mode INSTRUCTIONS > Task 1 Week 1 // The Bezier Game Fig 1.1 Bezier Game Week 2 // Vormator Challenge > Mr. Hafiz introduced us to Vormator Shapes and how we can trace them on Adobe Illustrator using: Pen Tool Direct Selection Too Curvature Tool Fig 2.1 Vormator Shape Tracing > After tracing, we were instructed to create a vormator character using the shapes we traced in the previous exercise. Fig 2.2 Vormator Character Fig 2.3 Pokemon Card Template Fig 2.4 Pokemon Card Process Fig 2.5 Final Pokemon Card Design Week 3 // Light and Shadow > Mr. Hafiz introduced us to Chiaroscuro and how we can express the relationship between light and shadow using various tool...